
We’ve come to think of losing fat in terms of working it off through exercise and diet, suctioning it out vialiposuction, or even dissolving it with chemical injections. Now there’s another option: Cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysisselectively targets localized fat deposits — abdominal fat, love handles, back rolls, muffin-tops and bulges aboveCesarean section incision lines — and reduces them by chilling them to just above freezing. It’s done gradually,without causing any harm to the surrounding tissues. Cryolipolysis has been cleared by the Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) for fat cell reduction as well as for several dermatologic applications that require cooling.The procedure was previously available in Europe, Asia and Canada. The science of cryolipolysis is a term thatcombines “cryo” (icy cold) with “lipolysis” (the chemical decomposition of fat). The premise is that under carefullycontrolled conditions, subcutaneous fat cells are more vulnerable than other surrounding tissue to the effects ofcold. Cryolipolysis differs from other fat removal procedures in a number of ways. For example, liposuctionsuctions fat cells out of the body, often destroying them first with fluid, ultrasound or laser energy. Lipo dissolveaccomplishes similar effects as fat-melting injections anduses low-level laser energy to open a pore in the fat cell,evacuating its contents.


Post cryolipolysis treatment, what’s the reactionThe cure is non-invasive, patients can move right away, such as work and exercise.The treated area maybe turn red and last for several minutes or hours, area may even turn bruised, but after weeks, itwill disappear.

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